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Thank you for participating in the
2012 smart city project contest.
We have reviewed all of the ideas submitted and selected a winner! Based on feasibility and execution date the winner announcement will come soon, so stay tuned

Vertical Forests or Fruit Garden Buildings
Build condominiums where regular evergreen, birch or fruit trees grow on every floor for a healthier, more breathable environment in the city. This concept is already being initiated in Europe. My city would be the first city in Canada and it would really give vivacity to our city.

krzysztof sycko
2013-07-11 10:19am


Iannick Gagnon
2013-08-03 19:27:12 hs

Dickson Despommiers serait heureux de voir ça, mais les coûts initiaux dépassent largement le budget, non? Peut-être qu'on pourrait faire ça avec des bâtiments abandonnés à la place? Super idée!

marc boily
2013-07-30 17:50:20 hs

j'ai la meme idée que toi !
