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Thank you for participating in the
2012 smart city project contest.
We have reviewed all of the ideas submitted and selected a winner! Based on feasibility and execution date the winner announcement will come soon, so stay tuned

Transit availability
Where I live, there is what is called a trans-cab. It will pick people up & take them to the next t0wn to catch a city bus. This is a great idea, however, it only goes maybe 2 KM to pick people up. If you live past that (and many people do) you have to find your own way to the pick up spot or pay huge cab fares. There are lots of kids & adults who would benefit from this. I have been fighting for years to get the city to expand the boundaries so that everyone could make use of the service, but I have been told from the Counsellors "You chose to live there, deal with it". Our kids suffer because they can not participate in after school activities, get jobs or volunteer. They have no social life outside of school hours. The adults do not have it much better unless we own a vehicle. I would much rather help the environment by taking the bus, but that option simply isn't available to me the way it is now. Even if we drove to meet the trans-cab, there is no where safe to leave a vehicle. With $50,000.00 I would use it to expand the boundary so that everyone can benefit.

Teressa Bignell
2013-08-25 11:03am


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