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Thank you for participating in the
2012 smart city project contest.
We have reviewed all of the ideas submitted and selected a winner! Based on feasibility and execution date the winner announcement will come soon, so stay tuned

Bike Lanes
My city is in desperate need of bike lanes. We have very few of them, and it's really preventing people from riding their bikes. The way it is now, there is no dedicated space for bicycles - the road is for cars, the sidewalk is for people. This really sends the wrong message! It sends the message to our community and our city that bicycling to work, and having a positive impact on the environment, is not a priority. What could possibly be more of a priority? Not only would bike lanes promote the idea that biking is good idea, it would also promote the idea that caring for the environment matters. Having less cars on the road helps the environment in so many ways - of course, there is less pollution, but there are also other wonderful things, such as better air quality. And with better air quality, the air that every one of us breathes is better and we are healthier. It is also good for our own health, because it helps keep us in shape! And you know what one of my favourite things about it is? It really helps to foster community!! We're not trapped in our cars, where we can't see people, and chat with our neighbours; we're out there, in the open air, meeting people, and discovering our communities. Bike lanes are so simple, yet do so much good. I love the idea of helping the environment, while helping strengthen our communities, at the same time.

Julia Herperger
2013-08-27 06:45am


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