2012 smart city project contest.
Eliminate use of plastic cups/styrofoam
Most of us start our day with a fresh cup of coffee from our favourite coffee store. According to 2010 stats conducted by Coffee Association of Canada, about 65% of Canadians drink coffee, out of which 57% of drinkers purchase their coffee at a coffee shop. (Drinking coffee at home has dropped significantly~ 5% every year). With the increasing ready made coffee consumption, the use of coffee cups has also been increasing steadily. My Idea is that we should encourage citizens to bring their own tumbler for their drink. An incentive could be offered(saving few cents). Just imagine, if awareness is raised and most citizens follows, there would 19 million less cups in garbage every day(assuming 57% of canadian population drinks one coffee per day, which is purchased from a coffee shop) , leading to less pollution (occurring from manufacturing and transportation of the coffee cups)..And over a year, just close your eyes and imagine how many additional cups would be saved. Also, same goes for the paper cups- if we avoid paper cups, less trees would have to be cut down every year = more benefit for our planet.