2012 smart city project contest.
Magnetic Mower
This is an idea that would help eliminate energy and fuel cost for all.Developing a magnetic Mower that would power itself, a simple design that would help cut down on emissions and pollution. Simply powered by magnets in 2 forms a stationary set of magnets and 1 set of magnets attached to the shaft to turn the blade. As for ride on mowers there is an easy way to turn these into electric powered, thus not having rely on a power cable for energy or fuel. Once started the mower would provide its own power to drive the device. This idea would also help reduce the carbon foot print left by so many of us on a day to day basis. This is 1 of may Green Energy and Green Living Idea's that I have come up with over the last few months. If interested please contact me, maybe a partnership could come from this to help everyone and the planet.