2012 smart city project contest.
Solar panels mu_edm
Cancel the protectionist tariff against China for solar panels. Purchase billions in solar panels and subsidize the installation through out the city. Solar panels reduce the load on the transformers. Lower wear and tear means lower maintenance. Lower electrical costs puts more money into the local economy.
Install cameras all over the city. Every city already does this.
Transfer control of garbage collection to local communities. The same for parking meters. parking fines can still be handled by the city. This will break up the unions. It will lower the cost of collections, create jobs, and fund local projects. This allows communities better control over what they want done locally.
Convert all public schools to not-for-profit institutions. Break-up the unions and force everyone to compete. Best candidate wins. Vouchers can be given to families who will have a CHOICE as which school to send their kid. All students must pass a standardized exam to graduate.