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Thank you for participating in the
2012 smart city project contest.
We have reviewed all of the ideas submitted and selected a winner! Based on feasibility and execution date the winner announcement will come soon, so stay tuned

ebike chargin stations
I would like to put ebike charging stations at all the government buildings and major retailers. By ebike charging stations I mean outdoor duplex receptacles for use by the general public. These are cheap to install unlike the care recharge stations. These would be installed beside all the bike racks. It there is not a suitable bike rack, theses can be installed too. Since Orillia allows ebikes on trails, there can be a recharge station every few miles too, strategically placed. Once set up it will provide a model for how to electrify a city for ebikes.

Allan Harmsworth
2012-08-17 04:40am

1 comment

Sharon Cosby
2012-10-25 22:28:18 hs

This is an awesome idea! Cause I want to get myself an ebike. Though I don't live in Orillia. Will have to get this in my town too!
