Community Urban Greenhouse
Urban Community Greenhouse!
Spaces are tight, Apartments grow taller, Cities grow smaller by adding more people, Green spaces disappear and grey spaces appear. Animals no more and litter galore is the new face of most city in 2013.
I fell in Love with Red Deer because the vast amount of Green Spaces they try to sustain, the river front, the wildlife and the green thumb nature of the city, Red Deer is that city and here is my idea to make it more so…
The idea of greenhouses is not new! The idea of a community greenhouse is however.
Imagine, walking 3 blocks from your down town apartments and seeing a dome in the middle of a well treed green space. In that dome plants, and those plants… grown by you!
A community greenhouse would not be a huge long tarp building like the retail greenhouses; it would be dome (round in shape) and enough for hundreds of plants. It would be open to anyone who wanted to go in, garden, weed, plant and eat. All year long.
Heated from the sun in the summer and the sun in the winter with the help of heat capturing weeping tile under the soil that would emit heat into the dome. Water would be captured by rain barrels outside in spring, summer and fall. And in the winter would be added to the inside of the greenhouse.
This would directly and indirectly aid thousands of residents in the Beautiful City of Red Deer, Alberta.
From the inside out! Not only would residents use the inside, but in the warmer months the outside could be used to grow fruit and vegetables, boast a green space public park where residents, school and groups would come to educate themselves on the importance of sustainable living.
The area would welcome walking, pets, and wildlife to visit in the night.
No Pesticides, herbicides or chemicals would make this greenhouse the ultimate green machine. Good for the earth, good for the people. Land would be donated by either the city or a developer near new residential areas. The city would come together and build the rest.
With a budget of $50,000 not only is this project thinkable, it is doable!
Jest Sidloski
2013-08-07 11:51am