Lets Get Rid of Take Away Containers and Plastic Bags Altogether!!! Lets stop ta
Everyone has been talking about plastic bags and take away containers and how much garbage it creates. There needs to be something in place to make it easy for people. So this is my plan. Because I live in a resort town, we affect all parts of the world every day. Marketing and implementing an idea in my Town covers all parts of the world as well. Our town really wants to get rid of plastic bags altogether, but it needs to have a convenience program attached to it. So Part 1. is to raise money each year to buy a large amount of re-useable bags and to have used plastic bags donated. We would then install bag drop off/pick up containers right outside the grocery stores and in main parts of town and within the hotels so that store owners can grab some on their way to work, and people can drop them back in on their way to work. The hotels have them so that the tourists who shop the most will become involved as well, they can recycle when they exit their hotel. Part 2: Once there is a strong recycling awareness and excitement around town, we implement the idea of getting rid of Take away containers too. This idea needs a bit more marketing and accessibility to collapsible containers. So I want to market the Collapsible Tupperware or re-design one that is travel and purse friendly. This concept needs to be adopted like the re-useable grocery bags, but it will require a lot of marketing and accessibility. The ideas are great but without action, nothing changes.....My hope is to make change by making it fun and easy.
Heather Henderson
Heather Henderson
2013-08-04 12:12pm
British Columbia