urban farming/gardening
Plant food everywhere! Plant trees every where! Plant plants everywhere! They are good for cleaning the air, providing shade and providing people with healthy food. Plant it on your roof! Plant it on the boulevards! Fruits and veggies have gorgeous flowers (ever see a pumpkin flower?) and look really nice in flower beds. Container gardening is so easy to do! Rain barrels to catch the water for your gardens. Trees to grow up big and tall and cool your yard and home and save on cooling costs in the summer. Plant vines and grow them vertically to save space. Upside down tomato growers. Use heirloom seeds for great pure organic food. Cheaper than the grocery store too! There are so many ways gardens and trees and plants benefit us. It promotes healthier more nutrient rich soil, as opposed to growing the same thing every year (grass) which depletes nutrients. Growing your own food also saves on groceries, gas getting there, and your time. And it tastes so much better!
Leigh Brown
2013-07-17 4:25pm